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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Day 5 - Baja Blues Tour: Mulege

Day 5 (Feb 18, 2018) - Mulege SEE PHOTOS

Everyone enjoyed a day in Mulege. First we all went to a late brakefast at Bertha's at Burrios, which is one of the cove South of Mulege. Great food and beautiful views with house tickling the waters edge and the sailboats anchored in the bay with the clouds hanging just right, perfect. Everyone said it was the best omelet and breakfast they had ever had. THANK YOU to Bertha's!

On to the Mulege Prison Museum for history of the only NO BARS OPEN prison. FYI - Know that the Mulege Prison Museum closes each day at 1pm so plan you day so you do not miss this. The prisoners would go down into town and work and the prison bell would ring and they would all come home to eat and sleep in their cells; except for the crazies and killers they had to stay locked up. With our full day of sights we were all ready for lunch. El Cantinels is the place to go, just up a block and to the right is the place that the gingos and locals hang out bar. We all came back to our Hacianda and relaxed for a few hours enjoyed a group dinner and  to finish the evening we had a fire gathering at Sixx's sister Tammy's place. Met more of her neibors and laughted and told stories under the stars and flicker of the flames - A wonderful Mulege experience!

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