Don Chano's had another pig roast last night. Karen, the world class flutist that stays here in Mulege during the winter played her flute along with the band, Nueva Luna that played at the pig races last week. Excellent music. I danced a song with Juan Ramon, the landscaping employee that lives here. Back in December at another pig roast hosted here, Manual's extended family members were chanting for me to dance with Juan Ramon and they tried a bit last night to.... Juan Ramon didn't have his game on, so I was spared. Good thing since I caught this horrible cold that is going around. Most everyone that ate at Scotty's (El Candil) after the pig races last week got it. I didn't eat at Scotty's that night, but I managed to get it too.
The park built a real nice concrete block pig roasting pit with metal bars built into it for the metal rack and covered it with mud. Its right across from the Admin building. The pig was big and so the pit is large enough to be used as a large hot tub.
Maxim is totally enjoying school! They had a party yesterday afternoon at the town square basketball court and the whole school ended up at the lighthouse last night following their other party and on Fridayone school teacher is hosting a party at his house. I cant imagine a school teacher in the States inviting an entire class to his house...... Maxim says he loves this school!
Hopefully this Don Chano update finds you well, unlike myself and several others!