About Us

The Pack Family Journal is a place where we gather text and images of our lives, adventures and travels. This is a very personal site, written openly and honestly. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Home Again!

John & I are back in San Felipe - Home Base for us & Mexico Living.

We arrived in San Felipe a week before the 2010 International Blues and Arts Fiesta www.bluesandarts.com. We worked to get all the last minute marketing for the event. Then enjoyed the fun filled day listening to blues music, viewed some of the best artist in Baja, and enjoyed food and drink through out the day.

For the first time we are going to stay on our El Dorado Property...sooo cool! We have relocated a few of our cactus and bought a great lava rock that John painted our lot number with white and yellow paint. We will be starting to build a small patio and outdoor kitchen to relax and entertain our close friends and family on during these next few months here in San Felipe. Happy to be Home!
- Rachel

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