About Us
The Pack Family Journal is a place where we gather text and images of our lives, adventures and travels. This is a very personal site, written openly and honestly. Enjoy.
Fat and Happy and Fat and Happy
Fat and Happy, fat and happy. You gotta understand, Sunday breakfast is like church to us. We almost never go out to restaurants, because the other six days of the week, we eat only veggie/fruit smoothies and either veggie salad, soup or pasta in the evening. Even on the 7th day, that same rule applies all meals but breakfast...SO...as you can imagine breakfast on that 7th day - ALL BETS ARE OFF.
Even when we're in San Felipe, every Sunday we go to Rachel's mom and dad's and I cook breakfast for the whole fam-damly. And mom and dad can eat like their daughter! It's what we do. Thus far, hands down the best breakfast we've had in Ensenada has been Mama Bears....Victor's in town was second, so far.
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