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The Pack Family Journal is a place where we gather text and images of our lives, adventures and travels. This is a very personal site, written openly and honestly. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Live and Love

From John Pack
I don't know how I could live without Rachel. In addition to being an amazing wife, business partner, music partner and everything else...she also makes it possible for me to continue living. Sometimes the pain I feel is so bad, I'm not sure I could live with it...but she takes the pain away. When I was in my 20's I was run over by a car, actually killed me, chalked around my body, the works...just like in the movies. Broke most of the bones in body: ankles, knees, pelvis, sternum, clavicle and on and on..in any case, the nerve damage was immense and the older I get the worse and more frequent the pain...sure there are drugs, and this and that...but it is my Rachel that relieves me of the pain better than any of it, by killing the inflamed nerves with her hands. I am blessed to have her.

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